Platt, Rutherford, T. Chapman, J. Balch. 2024. Fire refugia are robust across Western US forested ecoregions. Environmental Research Letters. 19 014044. download
Crowley, M.A., Stuhlmacher, M., Trochim, E.D., Van Den Hoek, J., Pasquarella, V.J., Szeto, S.H., Howarth, J.T., Platt, R., Roy, S., Tellman, E., Chakraborty, T.C., Ignatius, A., Cherrington, E., Markert, K., Wu, Q., Madhusudan, M.D., Mayer, T., Cardille, J.A., Erickson, T., Moore, R., Clinton, N.E., and Saah, D.S. 2003. Pillars of Cloud‐Based Earth Observation Science Education. AGU Advances, 4(4), e2023AV000894. [Selected as an ‘Editor’s Highlight’ by AGU Advances] download
Ogra, Monica, U. Manral, R. Platt, R. Badola, L. Butcher. 2020. Local perceptions of change in climate and agroecosystems in the Indian Himalayas: A case study of the Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary Landscape. Applied Geography. 125: 102339. download
Platt, Rutherford, M. Ogra, N. Kisak*, U. Manral, R. Badola. 2020. Climate change perceptions, data, and adaptation in the Garhwal Himalayas of India. Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2020.172406. download
Koehler, K., J.H. Ellis, J.A. Casey, D. Manthos, K.Bandee-Roche, R.V. Platt, B.S. Schwartz. 2018. Exposure Assessment Using Secondary Data Sources in Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Health Studies. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(10): 6061-6069. download
Edelson, M., S. Monani, R.V. Platt. 2018. Migrant farmworkers’ perceptions of pesticide risk exposure in Adams County, Pennsylvania: A cultural risk assessment. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 8(1). download
Platt, R.V., D. Manthos, J. Amos. 2018. Estimating the Creation and Removal Date of Fracking Ponds Using Trend Analysis of Landsat Imagery. Environmental Management. 61: 310-320. Download
Platt, R.V. 2017. Earth observation satellites are helping us adapt to a new era of disasters (opinion piece). The Hill. Link
Platt, R.V., M.V. Ogra, R. Badola, S.A. Hussain. 2016. Conservation-induced resettlement as a driver of land use change in India: An object-based trend analysis. Applied Geography. 69:75-86. download
Platt, R.V. 2014. Wildfire Hazard in the Home Ignition Zone: An object-oriented analysis integrating LiDAR and VHR Satellite Imagery. Applied Geography. 51: 108-117. download
Sherriff, R.L., R. Platt, T.T. Veblen, T.L. Schoennagel, M.H. Gartner. 2014. Historical, Observed, and Modeled Wildfire Severity in Montane Forests of the Colorado Front Range. PLOS ONE. 9(9). download
Commito, J.A., A.E. Commito, R.V. Platt, B.M. Grupe, W.E. Dow, N.J. Gownaris, K.A. Reeves, and A.M. Vissichelli. 2014. Recruitment facilitation and spatial pattern formation in soft-bottom mussel beds. Ecosphere. 5(12).
Walter, J.A. and R.V. Platt. 2013. Multi-temporal analysis reveals that predictors of mountain pine beetle infestation change during outbreak cycles. Forest Ecology and Management. 302: 308-318. download
Platt, R.V. 2012. Mapping Settlements in the Wildland Urban Interface: A Decision Tree Approach. Professional Geographer. 62(2): 262-275. Download
Platt, R.V., T. Schoennagel, T.T Veblen, R.L. Sherriff. 2011. Modeling Wildfire Potential in Residential Parcels: A Case Study of the North-Central Colorado Front Range. Landscape and Urban Planning. 102: 117-126. download
Platt, R. V. 2010. The Wildland-Urban Interface: Evaluating the Definition Effect. Journal of Forestry 108(1): 9-15. download
Platt, R.V. and T. Schoennagel. 2009. An object-oriented approach to assessing changes in tree cover in the Colorado Front Range 1938-1999. Forest Ecology and Management. 258: 1342-1349. download
Platt, R.V. and T. Schoennagel. Have forests really become denser? An object-oriented case study of a key premise in wildfire policy. GEOBIA 2008 – Pixels, Objects, Intelligence: Geographic Object Based Image Analysis for the 21st Century, conference proceedings. August 6-7, 2008. Calgary, Canada. download
Platt, R.V., T.T. Veblen, R.L. Sherriff. 2008. A Spatial Model of Mechanical Thinning Location and Forest Management Outcomes in the Wildland-Urban Interface. Natural Hazards Review. 9(4): 199-208. download
Platt, R.V. and L.M. Rapoza. 2008. An evaluation of an object-oriented paradigm for land use/land cover classification. Professional Geographer. 60(1): 87-100. download
Platt, R.V., T.T. Veblen, R.L. Sherriff. 2006. Are Wildfire Mitigation and Restoration of Historic Forest Structure Compatible? A Spatial Modeling Assessment. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 93(3): 455-470. download
Platt, R.V. 2006. A Model of Land Use Change and Wildfire Mitigation. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 33: 749-765. download
Platt, R.V. and F.H. Goetz. 2004. A Comparison of AVIRIS and Landsat for Land Use Classification at the Urban Fringe. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 70(7): 813-819. download
Platt, R.V. 2004. Local and Global Analysis of Fragmentation in a Colorado Mountain Region. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 101: 207-218. download